Saturday, September 24, 2011

Simple Yet Elegant Wedding Souvenirs/ Giveaways

If you are having a hard time finding cheap wedding souvenirs/ giveaways, then relax. The truth is, simple yet elegant wedding souvenirs may not cost you an arm and a leg. Some of the famous suppliers here in Davao may have unbelievable prices for their souvenirs but don’t you worry. The truth is, you can just make your own wedding giveaways and you’re good to go. The key is to make them meaningfully unique. After all, that’s how a souvenir should be, right?

Here’s a quick formula for meaningful, affordable and adorable wedding favors: artsy ribbons, soft cloth for souvenir bags and the choice items you’ll fill the bags with. Easy, right? You can do the artsy ribbons using a few meters of lace from the department store. For the soft cloth, you can use organza or even tulle (costs around P30 per meter only). Now here’s the clincher: the choice items.

Being a wedding organizer for more than 3 years now, I’ve mastered the art of staging a wonderful wedding on the cheap. Enough with the cliche glass swans and dove figurines. Those souvenirs disgust me, seriously. Here are some of my suggestions for cheap yet elegant wedding souvenirs:

*Potpouri, Incense or anything aromatic
*Organic tea (have its tea bag come in the same color as your motif)
*Stainless “charms” (like the ones for a charm bracelet, may also be used for pendant, keep it unisex)
*a CD mix of your favorite love songs
*little good luck bamboos

See, all of these things are easy to make and they’re also very inexpensive! Just customize according to your theme and budget. If, at the end of the day, you’re still baffled and you still want something else for your wedding souvenirs, you can shoot us an email ( or text/ call us: 0915 485 7006.

Thank you and have a dazzling wedding!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Spend for the Marriage, Not the Wedding

If you are getting married but you are a little bit short on the budget, then be very practical about your wedding and, instead, spend more money investing on your MARRIAGE rather than on a one-day affair such as your wedding.

There are a lot of women who want their wedding days to be as magical as it can be, and they whine and pout to get what they want. They grew up looking at the fairy tale endings of their favorite books, on posh bridal magazines and they have been feeling the social pressures that come with being a bride—having a nice shower, a big ring on your finger, and a grand wedding.

Their fiancés, on the other hand, simply want to please them and if they don’t work together to do the budgeting and to arrive in certain compromises, then you don’t need early warning devices to tell you that they are only heading towards disaster.

It’s simple really. If you want to get married but you’re short on money right now, you can either postpone the wedding so you can have more time to save for it, or you can push through with it on your desired date but not go all-out in the spending anyway. It’s such a bad idea to end up working doubly hard while you’re still starting as a family just because you wanted those designer table runners on your reception tables. Or specifically wanted a Benz as your bridal car.

I know a once-bride-to-be who wanted her wedding to be very special. She was the only daughter and was the youngest so her family really wanted her once-husband-to-be to shoulder a big part of their wedding. The family even wanted to name it a dowry and asked P100,000 from her once fiancé. What the guy did was to loan a big amount of money so she got the wedding that she wanted. The ending? When she finally got to live with her husband under one roof and shared a life with him, she also shared the burden of paying the loan. So her wedding pictures looked good, alright. But afterwards she looked so haggard from working so hard.

Be smart about this issue; after all, you’re taking a big and bold step towards a whole new life. Remember that the money that you spend in your wedding will also be helpful when you begin setting up your new home where you will start your family. Imagine how many kitchen implements a designer gown could get. Or how many bathroom essentials your expensive chocolate fountains could afford. Be very smart…it’s about time.


One of the smartest decisions that you will make in the course of your wedding planning is hiring a wedding planner or a wedding coordinator. They will hold your stress buffer and they also have the right network for the quality wedding suppliers at any budget. At the end of the day, you will find out that you saved a lot of time, effort and money because you got the right person on your end. 

We, at PREP, have years of experience planning weddings...and start-up marriages. Tee-hee. We have seen many couples make good and bad decisions in planning their weddings so we'd be able to hold your hand throughout the process. Ready to book your wedding? Want to inquire about our wedding coordination packages? Shoot us an email-- :-)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello World! This is PREP Davao!

PREP is a shortened, colloquial version of the word "preparation". We believe that this is the most important part of any public relations, event or promotions stunt. Everything lies in the preparation.

That is why we, at PREP, make sure that our preparations are topnotch. Our lead coordinators have years of experience in corporate event planning, wedding planning, event coordination, marketing, advertising and public relations. That said, our concept house is packed to the rafters. This gives us an ultimate edge in terms of versatility.

Under our belts is huge database of relevant service providers in the industry. Hair and make up, graphic design, performers, caterers, handcrafters, photographers, videographers, emcees, deejays, car rentals, etc.  You name it, we got it! :-) Moreover, our media, research and publications network are fully reliable.

Ready to book your event? Make the PREP count! You may reach us via Facebook. Just click THIS LINK to like our page.